Giant Sets Part 1: Effective Upper Body Hotel DB Training
By Dan Garner
Giant Set training is where you train the same muscle group nonstop through 4-7 different exercises that utilize a movement pattern to target different sections of the muscle(s).
Due to the pace, pump, and rep volume this is a strategy you can use to build serious muscle with much lighter weights and get in a killer workout while traveling because all you need is a pair of light dumbbells.
I hit arms and shoulders this morning.
Hotel Workout:
A1: Close Grip Push Ups
A2: Two-Hand Overhead DB French Press
A3: Incline DB Skullcrushers
A4: Flat DB Skull Crushers
A5: Regular Push Ups
*10 reps of everything, repeat 3x with 2-3mins rest between rounds.
B1: Incline DB Curls
B2: Incline Reverse DB Curls
B3: Incline Zottman Curls
B4: Standing Hammer Curls
B5: Standing Pinwheel Curls
*10 reps of everything, repeat 3x with 2-3mins rest between rounds.
C1: DB Upright Row
C2: DB Lateral Raise
C3: Incline DB Lateral Raise
C4: Incline Chest Supported Anterior Raises
C5: Incline Chest Supported Rear Delt Fly
*10 reps of everything, repeat 3x with 2-3mins rest between rounds.
I'll train this way all week while traveling with a 3-Day weekly split to ensure all muscle groups are hit. With a little creativity and knowledge of methods, training on the road is not only possible but it's actually really fun to switch things up from your normal routine.

Dan Garner
Through the power of research, science, and analysis my goal is to push the boundaries of human performance.